Evelyn Mozeleski ’20 stands ready to return a serve in tennis, one of her favorite sports(photo courtesy of Evelyn Mozeleski ‘20).
Evelyn Mozeleski ‘20
By Reese Butcher ‘20
1) If your life was a movie what it called and why? What the genre be?
If my life was a movie it would be called something snazzy… I’m not sure. Wait, actually, Something Snazzy sounds kinda fun. It would be non fiction.
2) What do you think dogs dream about?
I think my dog, Milo, dreams about food and playing.
3) If you could make one rule at Sem that everyone has to follow(teachers and students), what would it be and why?
If I could make one rule that people follow, it would be to be nicer to one another.
4) What is one thing you want everyone to know about you?
I have found over 20 four leaf clovers in the last year.