Student Spotlight: January 11, 2019


Jacob Kaminski ‘21 prepares for a wrestling match, one of two sports he participates in since joining the Sem community this year.(Photo Courtesy of

Jacob Kaminski ‘21

By Reese Butcher ‘20

1. How do you think your bulldog would describe people if he could talk?

He would describe people as something along the lines of “food bringers.” He’s not the smartest dog around.

2. If you could pick anyone to be president, who would it be and why?

Coach Troy Edwards because he’s a nice guy, he seems pretty trustworthy and he’s not a politician.

3. What’s the biggest change from Illinois to Pennsylvania?

Illinois and Pennsylvania are fairly similar. The weather is pretty bad in both states. Although coming from the Suburbs of Chicago, Kingston Pennsylvania definitely has a more rural or less densely populated feel.

4. What is one thing you’d like everyone to know about you?

I feel like if they don’t want to put the effort into finding it out, I’m not sure if I want them to know.