Faculty Highlights: Mr. Lyavdansky

Photo courtesy of Mr. Lyavdansky

By Mya Dobrowolski ’21

In this week’s edition of Faculty Highlights, get to know Russian teacher Mr. Lyvandansky!

Where were you born and raised?

I was born in a town called Leningrad. It was in the Soviet Union or the USSR, but as most Americans say, the CCCP.


How long have you been working at Sem?

I started in 1992. I’ve been here for 28 years. 


What is your favorite class to teach?

Russian 4, by far. The students are very mature and advanced. They even have some knowledge of Russian that is applicable in the real world when they travel to Russia.


What is your favorite football team?

The Cowboys because when I was little, I loved cowboy movies. 


If you could be an animal, what animal would you be?

A cat. When I was little, I read a story about a cat who walked by himself. I think Kipling wrote it. 


What is your favorite color?

Blue. It’s calm but at the same time warm. 


What is one place you’ve always wanted to travel to?

Well, I have traveled everywhere I have wanted to. I wanted to go to Western Europe and I did it. 


What is one object that you couldn’t live without?

Tik Tok. I spend hours on it. 


What is a quote that you live by?

I believe that everyone should “live, laugh, love.”


What is your favorite thing about Sem?

The sense of community here. It’s one big loving family 


What is your favorite sport?

Skiing. Love it. 


Any plans for summer?

Spend time with the family. I’ll teach my twins how to swim, ride bikes with Leo, and host a lot of BBQs.