Tennis on Fire

by Heiger Chen ’22

After defeating Holy Redeemer with a 5-0, Wyoming Seminary tennis team is ending with a strong season. This year’s season began in March and ended in mid-April with Coach Raphael Cooper hoping the team goes into playoffs, which consist of singles, doubles, and teams. He illustrated that the most important goal for the year was for the the team to be competitive and continues learning game to game.

Although Keefer Wu ’22 and Artur Gilicinski ’23 left the team this year, Vaughn Kutish ’22 and Benjamin (Ben) Ziegler ’22 took the positions of team leaders to bring the team together. As Cooper mentioned during an interview “It’s gonna be a difficult but fun and interesting year making adjustments as we could be scrabbing again before districts to make another adjustment to the roster.” 

When asked about who stands out the most to him, he said that “everyone [is] special in terms of what they are doing. You know, they have their own strengthens and weaknesses. But I would just like to say our captains because they are setting the table for all of us.” He continues by wishing his players a good year. “I want every kid leaving feeling like they got better at tennis as well as enjoying the whole experience. It’s not just about winning but progressing and understanding the concept of teamwork.” Cooper added.

The tennis team had their first competition against Berwick and they won 4-1. Specifically, Cooper highlighted Ryan Chun ’23 who had his first time as a singles player and won the match. Additionally, Yicheng Li ’25, who was new to the team, also performed well; he played in a doubles match and had his first victory.