Student Spotlight: Bernie Frantz

Bernie Frantz ’19 (right) posing next to Ryan Perry ’19.

Student Spotlight: Bernie Frantz ’19

by Shailee Desai ’21

1. What is your least favorite food?
Cilantro because I have a genetic problem where it tastes like soap.
2. What do you like doing in your free time?
Hang out with my close friends and enjoy my time with them before college
3. What’s your favorite part about Sem?
The new water polo club that I co-lead
4. What are three things you couldn’t live without?
My family, friends, and pizza
5. Who is your favorite celebrity?
I don’t have a favorite celebrity. I don’t pay attention to that aspect.
6. What is one thing you want everyone to know about you? 
That water polo club is a great activity guaranteed on Fridays after school!