Community, Love, Heart

Students hard at work during Sem Day of Service 2019.

Community, Love, Heart

By Sophia Galante ‘22

Community service is always a special thing. It brings people together and provides a sense of accomplishment and pride to a person in a way only good deeds can. At Wyoming Seminary, we know this to be true, and nothing captures the warm and loving feeling of our Sem community than our annual Service Day. This year’s Day of Service was one of the best, for it not only was a beautiful day for clean-ups and outdoor service work but the love and kindness forever touched the people of the greater community of our small section of Northeastern Pennsylvania Sem spread all over.

Holly Egbert ‘23, a freshman this year, experienced her first Service Day: “Service Day was so much fun this year! I went to Riverside Parks, and our job was to clean up garbage near the waterfront. I drive past the park all the time and never gave it much thought. Spending time there are cleaning the environment made me realize what a beautiful place it can be!” Holly is one of many Sem students who were genuinely touched by how little needs to be done in order to make a small section of the community beautiful. Some students remained on campus and helped within the Sem community to make Sem better. Organizing costumes and helping different departments in the school were huge roles taken by many. Others went to places such as St. Joseph’s, Mcauley House, and Headstart centers to interact one-on-one with people of the community.
No matter the year, Sem always seems to have an excellent Service Day. The amount of love, energy and commitment put into the projects this year was unfathomable, and the support from the entirety of the Sem community was overwhelming. As a whole, Sem is a community that is like no other and can create a beautiful day surrounded by one of the essential lessons in life, which is community service. Here is to an amazing one, and to many more to come! Well done, Sem.