Snow Days at Sem

By: Dominica Delayo ’22

You wake up in the morning and look out your window. Everywhere you look, you see white. You check your phone, and – yes! – it’s a snow day! You go back to sleep and spend the rest of the day doing anything you want.

The Opinator recently questioned students on how they spend their snow days. While some people love to sleep until noon and watch Netflix all day, other students use snow days to catch up on all the schoolwork they have been pushing off all week. Others want to spend time catching up with their friends: Gigi Ruggiero ’22 states, “I love snow days because I can get a break from school and hang out with my friend.” 

Some students believe snow days can be both positive and negative. Students can have a fun day off of school, but at the same time, they miss the clubs and games they were supposed to have that day. Max Liu ’21 explains, “Snow days are a good way to catch up on lost sleep and work, but sometimes they impede on scheduled activities.” 

According to students, snow days are also a perfect time to drink hot cocoa and bake cookies. Alyssa Shonk ’22 says her favorite snow day activity is “sleeping until noon and then snuggl[ing] in a blanket next to the fire drinking hot chocolate.” 

Even though we have only had two snow days this term, from what The Opinator can tell, the student body wants more before it is too late. With the term almost ending, spring is just around the corner, but, hopefully, there are many more fun snow days in the future.