2024 Girls Lacrosse Season

By Izzy Shoemaker ‘26

This year, the Lady Knights have had a more prosperous season than ever. As of May 1st the Girls were sitting with a 10-1 record, only falling to Abington Heights. After losing several key players in the class of 2023, the new talent on the team has not only filled positions, but completely changed the course of the team’s path.

The young team welcomed highly talented freshmen, like Ellie Kersey ‘27. Kersey, a midfielder specializing in draw control, already has several lacrosse accolades this year. Kersey has an average of 6.33 points per game, making her the Wyoming Valley Conference’s fourth highest scorer. On the attack line, captain Sienna Popple ‘24 has also made a significant impact, on the most recent count averaging 4.67 points per game. Defensively, goalie Eva Blaum ‘25 has a total save rate of 0.524%, the fourth highest in the conference. Goalie Celeste Perry ‘24 has a save average of 0.500%, the sixth highest save rate in the conference.

The girls took home a win at their senior night on April 26 against Belefonte Area, winning 21-5. Kersey also achieved her 100th draw control. Despite Belefonte Area getting the first point on the board, the Knights rallied forthwith, obtaining a several point lead by the nd of the first quarter. Captain Abby Williams ‘24 and Laine Cabell ‘24 put up several points in the first quarter. Williams ended with 6 goals total and Cabell ended with 2 goals. This win serves as a great confidence boost for the team as they looked forward to playing Scranton Prep and Crestwood. Crestwood holds the highly contended number one ranking, with Prep at number four, right behind the SEM girls in the three spot. Ryleigh McDonell ‘26 was very excited for the Crestwood game. She said, “Crestwood’s always a great team, but this year I think we are more evenly matched and I think we have a great shot at winning.” Emma Butcher ‘26 expressed a similar sentiment, saying “I think we are having a great season, and beating Crestwood isn’t out of reach.” The girls continued to be incredibly confident, as their skills speak for themselves. The Knights are motivated to keep leading the conference and to continue elevating their program as a whole. As fans, the SEM community is incredibly excited.