What Makes a Great Team?

by Bernie Anguiano ’24

What makes a great team? A question often asked by athletes, coaches, and other teams in the competition. Greatness can’t be easily achieved, it takes a lot of work, time and effort but the payoff is always positive. A great team will be able to differentiate themselves from the rest, a great team is disciplined and motivated to achieve great feats. 

But the definition of greatness doesn’t stop there. A lot of intricacies have to be surpassed, yet amongst all of this hard work and dedication, one thing will always stand out from the rest. A team that cares for each other and has a strong bond is almost impossible to defeat. Being connected to your teammates and knowing who they are can elevate the level of performance in almost any environment, and as students in sem we are fortunate to have a connected team. A team that has a very strong connection and has a great bond. The Wyoming Seminary girls basketball team shows this amazing and essential trait.

The experiences they have shared as a team has only brought them closer together, although they have failed like everyone else, the team still supports each other no matter what. They stick together and know the importance of having proper communication and a good relationship with their teammates. This has helped elevate their play to another level, everytime they make a pass they’re on point, everytime they make a play they know what to do and how to guide each other. This can only be achieved through the ups and downs the team faces everyday. The coach is a great example of passion and teamplay, Coach Kersey has shown passion, dedication and a lot of love and respect for the team. He has certainly helped the team grow and has helped them become closer together.

The importance of connecting with your teammates is a great priority in sports, team bonding is essential towards building a great team. So what makes a great team? A great team can be differentiated by a simple fact, a strong bond between teammates and the coach, a good time has gone through a lot of successes and failures but a great team will come out of those failures and successes closer and stronger. The basis for a great team is a strong bond, no matter the outcome, the girls basketball team will always have each other’s back and that makes them great.